Gene Autry Anaheim/Orange County Walk of Stars
The city of Anaheim honored Gene Autry with a star on the Anaheim/Orange County Walk of Stars. Mrs. Autry accepted the star in honor of her husband who was recognized as Orange County's baseball pioneer.
Setting up for the ceremony on Harbor Blvd.
Festive seating for the guests.
Festive balloon rendering of "The Big A."
The stage is set.
Gene's star will be unveiled here.
Mrs. Gene Autry is ready for the event.
The media is getting ready, too.
The Mayor of Anaheim, Curt Pringle, shares his thoughts about Gene Autry and the City of Anaheim.
Tim Mead, Vice President Communications for the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim talks about Mr. Autry, the Angels and Anaheim.
Mrs. Gene Autry.
Mrs. Autry receives a plaque of the star.
Gene Autry Angels Baseball Anaheim Walk of Stars.
Mrs. Autry and friends.
Mrs. Autry and Angels folks.
Mrs. Autry and the Autry Office Girls, Irynne, Karla and Maxine.
Mrs. Autry visits with reports.
Mrs. Autry receives a Certificate of Recognition from the California State Legislature.
If you'd like to visit Gene's star in Anaheim, you'll find it near the Disneyland entrance on Harbor Blvd. Facing the entrance, make a left on the sidewalk.
You'll know you are going in the right direction when you see Walt Disney's star.
Soon you'll see other Anaheim Walk of Stars such as this one for Margaret & Carl N. Karcher.
A few stars later you'll find Gene Autry's star! Minus the red carpet of course.