The Official Website of Gene Autry, America's Favorite Singing Cowboy

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In 1950, Gene was named one of "America's Ten Best-Dressed Men."


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2006 Dinner and a Movie at the Autry National Center:
Down Mexico Way

The Autry National Center and Gene Autry Entertainment present Dinner and a Movie every Thursday night in July. The fourth evening featured the film Down Mexico Way.

That's a real swell billboard in Hollywood for Dinner and a Movie.

A father and son moment with Gene and Champion!

The Museum Store's Sizzling Summer Sale tables are full of treasures.

Wonderful Western books are included in the sale.

Folks at the Fajita Bar.

Generous portions are served up in style.

Doesn't this look delicious?

Plenty of shade and tables await the diners.

Once again, we have a Gene Autry raffle, and tonight we give away...

...the Gene Autry Raffle Grand Prize! Who will win it?

Senior Curator Michael Duchemin visits with Gene Autry fan Roselie.

Say, isn't this where the new totem will go in the museum's lobby?

Artist Jim Hart has added some detail and color to the totem.

The totem will soon be finished!

Michael greets folks for the special gallery tour relating to tonight's Gene Autry movie.

In the Imagination Gallery, Michael talks about Western movie making.

This is Gene Autry's movie make-up kit.

Here's a case on lady Western screenwriters.

Check out this cool vintage movie camera!

Continuing in the gallery, Michael shares more movie-making moments.

Items about the very early years of Western movie-making can be found here.

The Gene Autry case is in this section of the Imagination Gallery.

These young saddle pals are ready for the movie!

The Museum Store's Director of Retail Operations Bobbi Jean Bell passes out complimentary Gene Autry VHS tapes to tonight's audience.

Thanks Bobbi!

Vice President of Gene Autry Entertainment Karla Buhlman draws the Gene Autry raffle winners.

Raffle winner number 1!

Raffle winner number 2!

And raffle winner number 3!

Bobbi thanks the Museum staff and volunteers who helped make Dinner and a Movie such a great event.

Karla shares some details on the movie Down Mexico Way.

After the screening, folks gather in the Museum Store for the raffle drawing and Gene Autry "Q & A."

Karla announces a post-movie raffle winner.

An appropriately dressed happy cowgirl raffle winner!

Are you ready for the Gene Autry Raffle Grand Prize drawing?

We have a winner!

The Gene Autry Raffle Grand Prize winner and the Happy Birthday Cowgirl.

Gene makes a new friend!

What will you do next Thursday now that Dinner and a Movie with Gene Autry is over? Why, go to the Autry Museum for Sizzling Summer Nights, of course!

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