The Official Website of Gene Autry, America's Favorite Singing Cowboy

Fun Autry Fact:

The California State Museum of Science and Industry in Los Angeles honored Gene during the summer of 1980 with a thirteen-week exhibit and film retrospective.

Champion, World's Wonder Horse

Lindy Champion (b. 1927 – d. undetermined)

  • Sorrel-colored
  • 4 white stockings
  • Oval topped blaze with a black dot on his nose
  • Gelding
  • Registered Tennessee Walking Horse
  • Made personal appearances
  • Born May 20, 1927, on the day of Charles Lindbergh's historic flight from New York to Paris, France
  • Highlights: made aviation history as the first horse to make a transcontinental flight from Burbank to New York; made 1939 personal appearance in Britain

Research assistance provided by author Petrine Mitchum.

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